Monday, September 3, 2007

My paintings at the cottage

Friends have always been my best sale people, passing my business cards around and dragging friends to my shows. Even buying my paintings for gifts. Bruce and Craig are particularly good at sales. Apart from the fact that they, like Brian, have almost more of my paintings in their home than we do, they have given many as gifts. They recently sent photos of my work in Craig's sisters fantastic cottage. Such good taste :)


Anonymous said...

Hi Robin, I'm recognizing some of the paintings from when they were hanging on the walls at the salon – good memories.
The painting of the flowers in the vase (the first in the Orchard Hill segment is quite beautiful – is it recent?
I'm enjoying checking up on your blog page.


Anonymous said...

Hi Robin: Craig just sent me the link to your blog. The large landscape we have hanging in our cottage kitchen we held for two years until our planning and cottage reno. were complete. We've had so many compliments on your work. It looks glorious. Did Craig mention I'd love a new one to represent the winter season? Let me know when you want to come back for a weekend in Muskoka. We have much more room now! Let's connect!Andrea(

Heather Robinson said...

Hi Robin, I'm taking the plunge and actually commenting on your blog because I've been lurking around looking at it for some time. This will give you a link to mine. Really enjoy seeing your works as they progress. I've got the mystery of the cottage figured out now. Your work looks beautiful hanging in it though. Always nice to see you in the week small hours of the morning with Frankie. Talk to you soon or see you at the library....Heather