Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Relish Elgin

Relish Elgin magazine is always cooking up something special, and this year they have a special dish;

Arts in Elgin County Guide

Editor Debra Bagshaw and designer Joanne Bagshaw are in the thick of prepping for a May release of this special edition and, you guessed it, I've made sure I'm in it, in all my glossy splendor.

This will surely be the essential guide to relishing the arts in Elgin County and at least 10,000 copies will be distributed across the county.

In addition to promoting, the Arts in Elgin County guide is also a celebration of the St. Thomas Elgin Public Art Centre's 40th anniversary!

Help yourself to a complimentary copy of Relish Elgin at your favourite restaurant, market, B & B, gallery etc., or visit their website at for more info or to subscribe.

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